Free Shipping Threshold Calculator

A free shipping threshold is a clever marketing tool that entices customers to add an extra item or two to their shopping cart to reach the minimum purchase, thus increasing the average order value.

This function appears on the Mini Cart and Cart page.

How to configure?

1 - Configure the function's Off/On and Position

From your WP Dashboard, Go to Rising Bamboo Settings WooCommerce

  • Turn on/off this function with the slider " Free shipping calculator."

  • Select the display position in the "Position" drop-down box.

  • Allow showing in Mini Cart or not.

2 - Set a free shipping value threshold

  • Step 1: From your WP Dashboard, Go to WooCommerce Settings Shipping. In the Section "Shipping zones" Select the Country/Locality you want to set up and click on "Edit".

  • Step 2: In the Section "Shipping methods" → Free Shipping → Click on "Edit"

  • Step 3: Set the free shipping value in the "Minimum order amount" input field and click "Save Changes" Button.

Please follow the steps with the images below for a more intuitive view.