Category Page Setting

We offer many customizations to help you personalize the Category Page. Our customizations have easy-to-understand names that make it simple for you to identify the features we offer.

From the WP Customize Panel, go to WooCommerce Product Catalog.

Category Page Setting Panel

1 - Woocommerce Section:

  • Shop page display: Choose what to display on the main shop page.

  • Category Display: Choose what to display on product category pages.

  • Default product sorting: How should products be sorted in the catalog by default?

  • Products per row: How many products should be shown per row?

  • Rows per page: How many rows of products should be shown per page

  • Categories per row: How many categories should be shown per row on shop or category page

  • Layout Type: There are two different styles available for the layout of the Category Page: Container and Full Width.

  • Pagination Type: Pagination numbered, Load more button, Infinity scroll (As you scroll, the products load more automatically)

  • Filter Position: There are 7 positions available for the Filter function. Additionally, you can also turn off this function

2 - Product Item:

This setting allows you to turn On/Off elements when hovering over the product box on this page.